Nowadays, heat and steam are essential in district heating networks as well as in the production processes of most industrial companies. Our biomass CHP plants generate not only electricity but also heat and steam, which can be produced extremely efficiently by means of cogeneration. As a result, more than 30% of heat in Austria is already being generated from biomass, and the trend is increasing rapidly. The potential future scenario can be seen from the Scandinavian countries of Finland and Sweden, where 46% and 62% of heat is generated from wood, respectively.
Both in the case of heat/steam deliveries to industrial companies and in the case of heat deliveries to regional district heating networks, it is maximum use of the generated heat that is crucial for the economic efficiency of a biomass power station. Cycleenergy has specialised in developing comprehensive and integrated approaches for heat concepts at its own sites and at those of our customers.
The topic of geothermal energy, another type of base-load capable renewable energy, has become an extremely important issue at Cycleenergy. We see enormous potential in this sector for heat deliveries to industry, commerce and local authorities. Together with partners and employees who have an excellent reputation in this sector, we are in a position to offer you optimal solutions based on geothermal energy.